##############ECHO OF PROBLEM################# ##############temp/sp_diff2_0postode.ode################# diff ( y , x , 3 ) = m1 * diff ( y , x , 1 ) ; ! /* BEGIN FIRST INPUT BLOCK */ Digits=32; max_terms=30; ! /* END FIRST INPUT BLOCK */ /* BEGIN SECOND INPUT BLOCK */ x_start=-1.0; x_end=-0.99; array_y_init[0 + 1] = exact_soln_y(x_start); array_y_init[1 + 1] = exact_soln_yp(x_start); array_y_init[2 + 1] = exact_soln_ypp(x_start); glob_look_poles=true; glob_max_iter=1000000000; glob_display_interval=0.1; glob_max_minutes=2; glob_desired_digits_correct=10; /* END SECOND INPUT BLOCK */ /* BEGIN OVERRIDE BLOCK */ /* END OVERRIDE BLOCK */ ! /* BEGIN USER DEF BLOCK */ double exact_soln_y (double x) { return( - cos(x)); } double exact_soln_yp (double x) { return( sin(x)); } double exact_soln_ypp (double x) { return( cos(x)); } /* END USER DEF BLOCK */ #######END OF ECHO OF PROBLEM################# START of Optimize min_size = 0 min_size = 1 opt_iter = 1 glob_desired_digits_correct = 10 desired_abs_gbl_error = 1e-10 range = 0.01000000000000001 estimated_steps = 0.1000000000000001 step_error = 9.999999999999992e-10 est_needed_step_err = 9.999999999999992e-10 hn_div_ho = 0.5 hn_div_ho_2 = 0.25 hn_div_ho_3 = 0.125 value3 = 1.000262683543054e+20 max_value3 = 1.000262683543054e+20 value3 = 1.000262683543054e+20 best_h = 0 opt_iter = 2 glob_desired_digits_correct = 10 desired_abs_gbl_error = 1e-10 range = 0.01000000000000001 estimated_steps = 0.2000000000000002 step_error = 4.999999999999996e-10 est_needed_step_err = 4.999999999999996e-10 hn_div_ho = 0.5 hn_div_ho_2 = 0.25 hn_div_ho_3 = 0.125 value3 = 371669758349.1937 max_value3 = 371669758349.1937 value3 = 371669758349.1937 best_h = 0 opt_iter = 3 glob_desired_digits_correct = 10 desired_abs_gbl_error = 1e-10 range = 0.01000000000000001 estimated_steps = 0.4000000000000004 step_error = 2.499999999999998e-10 est_needed_step_err = 2.499999999999998e-10 hn_div_ho = 0.5 hn_div_ho_2 = 0.25 hn_div_ho_3 = 0.125 value3 = 1370.660514785385 max_value3 = 1370.660514785385 value3 = 1370.660514785385 best_h = 0 opt_iter = 4 glob_desired_digits_correct = 10 desired_abs_gbl_error = 1e-10 range = 0.01000000000000001 estimated_steps = 0.8000000000000007 step_error = 1.249999999999999e-10 est_needed_step_err = 1.249999999999999e-10 hn_div_ho = 0.5 hn_div_ho_2 = 0.25 hn_div_ho_3 = 0.125 value3 = 4.901296618532578e-06 max_value3 = 4.901296618532578e-06 value3 = 4.901296618532578e-06 best_h = 0 opt_iter = 5 glob_desired_digits_correct = 10 desired_abs_gbl_error = 1e-10 range = 0.01000000000000001 estimated_steps = 1.600000000000001 step_error = 6.249999999999995e-11 est_needed_step_err = 6.249999999999995e-11 hn_div_ho = 0.5 hn_div_ho_2 = 0.25 hn_div_ho_3 = 0.125 value3 = 1.522597745930785e-14 max_value3 = 1.522597745930785e-14 value3 = 1.522597745930785e-14 best_h = 0.00625 START of Soultion x[1] = -1 y[1] (analytic) = -0.5403023058681398 y[1] (numeric) = -0.5403023058681398 absolute error = 0 relative error = 0 % Correct digits = 16 h = 0.00625 TOP MAIN SOLVE Loop NO POLE Finished! diff ( y , x , 3 ) = m1 * diff ( y , x , 1 ) ; Iterations = 2 Total Elapsed Time = 0 Seconds Elapsed Time(since restart) = 0 Seconds Time to Timeout = 2 Minutes 0 Seconds Percent Done = 187.5 %