How to use Omnisode

by Dennis Darland Mail To: pal at dennisdarland dot com

Comments welcome

The shell scripts

  1. odefile
    Generates and runs Maple program to solve problem given in odefile.
    Opens results in emacs (also mint output).
  2. odefile
    Generates and runs Maxima program to solve problem given in odefile.
    Opens results in emacs.
  3. odefile
    Generates, compiles and runs C++ program to solve problem given in odefile.
    Opens results in emacs..
  4. odefile
    Generates, compiles and runs C program to solve problem given in odefile.
    Opens results in emacs..
  5. odefile
    Generates and runs Ruby program to solve problem given in odefile.
    Opens results in emacs..
  6. odefile results_subdirectory ["comment on test"]
    Generates and runs Maple program to solve problem given in odefile.
    In addition adds row to table.html in html/results/results_subdirectory
    And inserts comment in table.
    If necessary the subdirectory and table will be created.
    The results may then be viewed with a web browser
    in html/results/results_subdirectory/table.html
  7. odefile results_subdirectory ["comment on test"]
    Generates and runs Maxima program to solve problem given in odefile.
    In addition adds row to table.html in html/results/results_subdirectory
    And inserts comment in table.
    If necessary the subdirectory and table will be created.
    The results may then be viewed with a web browser
    in html/results/results_subdirectory/table.html
  8. odefile results_subdirectory ["comment on test"]
    Generates, compiles and runs C++ program to solve problem given in odefile.
    In addition adds row to table.html in html/results/results_subdirectory
    And inserts comment in table.
    If necessary the subdirectory and table will be created.
    The results may then be viewed with a web browser
    in html/results/results_subdirectory/table.html
  9. odefile results_subdirectory ["comment on test"]
    Generates, compiles and runs C program to solve problem given in odefile.
    In addition adds row to table.html in html/results/results_subdirectory
    And inserts comment in table.
    If necessary the subdirectory and table will be created.
    The results may then be viewed with a web browser
    in html/results/results_subdirectory/table.html
  10. odefile results_subdirectory ["comment on test"]
    Generates and runs Ruby program to solve problem given in odefile.
    In addition adds row to table.html in html/results/results_subdirectory
    And inserts comment in table.
    If necessary the subdirectory and table will be created.
    The results may then be viewed with a web browser
    in html/results/results_subdirectory/table.html
  11. NOTE: either the scripts must be in your path or preceded by "./", e.g. ./tml sin trigtests "testing sin function".
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